Héichpunkter 2022/23
Nationalt Championat den 8-9 Juli 2023
The SCR had some fantastic results at the national championships in the big pool:
E. Barthel 1st place
E. Barthel 2nd place
J. Smith 2nd place
E. Barthel 1st place
Nationalféierdag 22 June
7 vun onsen Schwëmmer sinn vun der Gemeng Beckerich als "Sportifs Méritants" ausgezeechnet ginn.
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Festival de l'Avenir 1-2 July 2023 (Differdange)
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50m Breaststroke 1st pl L.Scheeck 36,36 2nd pl A. Fesquet 40.07
50m Breaststroke 1st pl L.Scheeck 36,36 2nd pl A. Fesquet 40.07
Wiener Landesmeisterschaften 8-10 June
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